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    more or less примеры предложений

    more or less

    1. It was after breakfast in her world, still on a twenty four hour daily cycle, not twenty eight hours and thirteen minutes, more or less

    2. Dad’s family never really recovered from being bombed out and by the time I was in my teens they had more or less died out

    3. Where it goes from there is more or less up to it

    4. We all look ridiculous in our paper hats but who cares! Betty is happy because she has Fred to herself and, although I know Rose and Janet are watching us and more or less taking notes, I am very content to have Nick at my side

    5. ‘The estate more or less runs itself

    6. Lastriss has about three grids, the ground, about the third or fourth and more or less the tenth to fourteenth floors have networks of streets

    7. They were more or less following the stream by their camp, it wandered around a lot; after all, it was pretty hard even for water to tell which way was downhill around here

    8. The crew was quite friendly, but they never stopped for long, an hour for brunch, two hours for dinner, more or less, with a ten-minute warning bell

    9. It was more or less taken for granted that when my schooling was done I'd go and live with them on their island and it'd be happy holidays every day

    10. By then she was sitting more or less between Lmore and Yarin with arms over each shoulder

    11. At that time the family name was long and impressive; D’Agouteville perhaps or Cholmondley-Warner or some such thing, but, as with all families, the generations followed one after another, proving more or less that sons and daughters inherit a mixed bag of genes and ancestral memory

    12. By lunchtime, I am more or less calm again … I can cope with bad news, it’s not knowing that ties me in knots …

    13. ‘I don’t know though,’ he went on grinning, ‘I’ve got you more or less where I want you

    14. He rabbits on suggesting all sorts of things and gradually normality is resumed … by the time he parks in the drive of the house I’m more or less on an even keel … if feeling totally washed out

    15. Capri is more or less on a line with the end of the peninsula – sitting like a jewel in the middle of the blue sea

    16. It was more or less all in one building, but she could see that there were several apartments

    17. She wondered if it was being in three-d reality, or the specifics of that reality that made the sentence more or less harsh? Would her sentence seem as harsh if she was at the home in the vale without any magic?

    18. more or less that sons and daughters inherit a mixed bag of genes

    19. As they were introduced there were more or less cheering, depending on how they were received

    20. tolerated and what honestly makes it more or less tolerable? When is the

    21. It thereby carries more or less positivism/negativity

    22. The wealthy had plush private cars, the poor rode public cars that were more or less drab depending on the city

    23. Roland Blake is more or less a recluse now and, before you ask, he won’t see anyone except his immediate family

    24. Claimed all sorts of pressure had been brought to bear on the committee and more or less accused Bunty of having slept with half of them … there was actually a case brought against him for slander but it fell through when he speedily retracted his statement

    25. Over the past few years, I’ve more or less come to terms with the fact that it’s not going to happen

    26. ’ I replied, sounding a hell of a lot calmer than I am feeling … where is this confidence coming from? We’ve only been going out for a matter of days and, here I am, more or less offering to have his children … He reaches over and squeezes my hand

    27. The thing had more or less sat and begged to be caught! Held in her strong grip, it had struggled, its lightweight bones no match for the woman’s strength

    28. Peter had more or less decided he was going into engineering and it was a big surprise to all of us when he announced that he wanted to go into the ministry

    29. ‘Well, I put in new central heating and hot water systems not long after I moved in, the cottage, but apart from that, it’s more or less as it was when it was built three centuries ago

    30. Later, when we could speak, he’d explained that he had fallen for me more or less as soon as he met me but had assumed it was hopeless as he could see no reason why someone as talented and attractive as me could ever consider him

    31. You and I can do more or less what we want to do but Sally is so tied

    32. ” She explained, “I am, I suppose, to be one of the early 'guinea pigs,' although to be honest, I'm more or less uncertain about the endeavor, as I have so little experience with the works of the bard

    33. ‘What can I do to help?’ I asked, but she had more or less finished

    34. It lets more or less of the force thru to the handle depending on how hard you step on it

    35. Andrew, Jack, Monica, Julia and Matt were, more or less, normal kids who lived in what was, more or less, a normal village, but the lives they lived had been so far anything but normal

    36. ” Alore, Sharni, Larneh and Desa answered, more or less at once

    37. We became close and before long he moved in with me more or less permanently

    38. What was called the ‘Energy Age’ was more or less the 14th thru 22nd centuries

    39. The chambers may be more or less grand, but you'll not see more of my world this way than you already have

    40. In every society, the price of every commodity finally resolves itself into some one or other, or all of those three parts ; and in every improved society, all the three enter, more or less, as component parts, into the price of the far greater part of commodities

    41. Their price necessarily rises more or less, and yields a greater profit to those who deal in them, who can, therefore, afford to borrow at a higher interest

    42. confidence which every man has, more or less, not only in his own abilities, but in his own

    43. The chance of gain is by every man more or less over-valued, and the chance of

    44. In all the different employments of stock, the ordinary rate of profit varies more or less with

    45. more or less with the risk

    46. The being was, more or less, the city's ruler, and he was, most certainly, its most powerful crime lord

    47. All commodities are more or less liable to variations of price, but

    48. As men, like all other animals, naturally multiply in proportion to the means of their subsistence, food is always more or less in demand

    49. The difference is greater or less, according as the fashionableness and scarcity of the wine render the competition of the buyers more or less eager

    50. The price, therefore, of the coarse, and still more that of the precious metals, at the most fertile mines in the world, must necessarily more or less affect their price at every other in it

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